Classes After Worship Service

After Sunday morning worship, children participate in an interactive class led by Skillman Bible Church members and the adults gather for a time of teaching and discussion. It’s crucial for the people of God to study, discuss, and even have healthy debates in community–it’s how our theology develops and guides our everyday lives. We like to focus on a range of topics. We have delved into everything from the creeds of the faith and books of the Bible like Jonah and Romans to how to engage with politics, race, and sexuality within the larger culture.

Hands-On Community

Skillman Bible Church is a hands-on community. The Cook Building–our fellowship hall and childcare site? We built that ourselves. The community garden right outside our sanctuary? We get our hands dirty to cultivate it. We wash our own dishes and sweep our own sanctuary, because we believe that there is not a hard line between the sacred and secular.

Family Time

Any given week, you can find us sharing a meal, celebrating a birthday, or discussing the finer points of the book of Luke. You can count on the BEST smoked brisket every Thanksgiving and Easter as a tasty invitation for the neighborhood to lunch with us and taste and see the Lord’s goodness.

From prayer and praise services every fifth Sunday to Bible Studies and retreats, Skillman desires to create a close and unpretentious space for people to grow in Christ. If you would like more information about what we’re up to currently, please e-mail